Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This week's evaluation

TUES           1000 skips + 2hr dance

WED           Balance, Strength, Agility

FEB 10
THURS       Super-girl Plank + 2hr dance

FEB 11
FRI             Had double Greek classes, had coffee with gfs, and went to our friend's
                house for dinner, and a game of uno. Fun night, but no exercise today :(

FEB 12
SAT           One-legged gypsy

FEB 13
SUN          Went out with friends to a race park, watched movies at friends' house...
                  no workout :(

FEB 14
MON         15 min "Killer tooth ache" workout
                   Happy Valentine's Day

FEB 15
TUES        2hr dance... but no workout :(

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